Stamford Strings is delighted to have been commissioned to sell a second viola for Peter. Based on the Conte Vitali model, It is designed to have large lush deep sound with strong projection and has an aged finish with some simple inlay reflecting aspects of English practice. This model can be 'sized' the suit the player from 15'' to 16 ½''. This particular instrument is just over 16 inches.
Peter Smith apprenticed at Ealing Strings of London in 1978 at 16 years old and apprenticed as a restorer working on classic Italian and English instruments among others. He then started violin making before enrolling at the the Newark School of Violin Making in 1985 to study and become a Viola /Cello Maker . After graduating, he moved to Manchester as a Restorer and Maker, specialising in violas for members of the Halle orchestra, including the lead Viola player, among others. At that time, he based his model on an Italian Maker, Andrea Guarneri, and over the coming years modified the instrument for size and to meet the requirements of contemporary playing and acoustic response.
Later in his career, he became a Teacher at the Newark School of Violin Making and Restoration and was the course leader for many year. He has his own workshop outside Newark in a small village . He still specialises in violas, and the current model he makes is of his own design, whilst maintaining the influence of the Guarneri model, combined with Stradivarius' models and English makers such as Forster and Parker, modernised to meet the requirements of the current time. His new model reflects his extensive experience and many of the concepts he developed over time, including current viola making within the trade, reflecting the requirements of the player, but in his own inimitable style.